Our Story

We started Tier Jars initially so we could give our friends and family cute and aesthetically pleasing gifts. After receiving so many compliments and custom orders, we thought, why not turn this into something bigger…. and that is what we have done.

The thing we love most about our jars is that it can replace the boring small presents that we buy our friends when they have again, asked for nothing. It replaces the boring old box of chocolates, it replaces the traditional packet mixes and most importantly, it looks absolutely beautiful in the kitchen of those who don’t have time to bake the mixture (even if it means combining 3 things in a bowl).

Anyway, we digress…. we hope if you have read this far, it means you have tried and enjoyed our jars. If so, we thank you. Thank you for making our business what it is today and thank you for supporting a local Canberra business.

Gabby & Laura